I've decided pretty much against buying the aforementioned "lust item" $600 handbag. Mainly because it is getting close to the holiday season and I would feel a lot of guilt and anguish knowing that, on top of the gift-spending, I blew a huge chunk of money on a totally non-essential item.
Anyway, my goal this year is to be one of those people who finish their Christmas shopping early...or at least start early enough so I can keep my eye out for some good, early online deals. At least then I'll have time to cmpare prices for things.
It's beginning to feel a lot like....
October 19th, 2006 at 11:50 pm
October 19th, 2006 at 11:58 pm 1161302314
I don't recommend that it'd be a big one, nor would I prioritize it above anything else on your line item budget. Bottom of the list is good. However, it's only human to want the "shiney-shiney", and there's no rule in some Tome of Frugality that says you can't have it....
So long as it does not break the budget!
Now, I admit I currently don't have one myself. However, when I do want something, I will start up a fund to save up for it. And when I finally have enough saved (without causing any harm to my normal budget of course), then I can buy it guilt-free!
October 20th, 2006 at 12:01 am 1161302473
Ai ya! - so proud of you for deciding to hold off until other priorities got taken care of first. Good for you!
October 20th, 2006 at 01:32 am 1161307935