Home > Future gazing

Future gazing

January 30th, 2007 at 12:58 am

Months ago, I thought my goal was to own a house by August of 2007. Now it seems my mind has changed. Argh! Why is it so hard for me to make financial plans? I keep saving for "it" but I haven't identified what "it" is. I'd been stashing my savings into easier access money markets and CD's, because I'd anticipated needing to make the large down payment on the hhouse this summer; now I want to start putting more money into my long term accounts- the Roth IRA, brokerages, 401K.

If I had a crystal ball, I'm sure gazing into it would be like trying to peer through swamp water.

It's so easy to say, "I need to pay my car insurance now," and then reallocate funds to pay it off in one quick payment. Or I can think, "I'm going to take a vacation in three months" and then I start up a short term "vacation fund." Short term goals are a cinch, but long term goals? Since "House 2007" seems to be falling through, should I just rename it "House 2008" and try to shape my savings plan around that?

4 Responses to “Future gazing”

  1. baselle Says:

    Well, 2008 will probably be a better time. Big Grin Remember that you don't want to spend money just because you said you would. Buy a house when its a good time to buy a house.

  2. fern Says:

    Thanks for the info, paigu. Your work sounds very interesting. If an experience writer (but with no medical background) were to try to break into medical or healthcare copywriting/editorial generally, is there a specific area or type of employer you feel would be more likely to consider taking on someone with no medical experience?

    It seems sort of similar to the financial services field, where i put in about 10 years of time, first working for a company that sold mutual funds and variable annuities to broker/dealers, then later a financial newsletter publisher and then later a consulting company that specialized in financial services clients.

    Financial services jobs always require someone with prior financial writing experience becus it tends to be somewhat specialized and it's just a whole lot easier if the writer is at least somewhat familiar with certain sensitivities and challenges. I just lucked out with getting my foot in the door at the first job where they were willing to take me on without the financial background, and after that subsequent jobs were much easier to find in that field.

  3. fairy74 Says:

    I agree with baselle you are feeling hesitation for a reason. Do what feels right. Owning a house is huge responsibility, sometimes all we hear is that everyone needs to own a house but that is not true. Trust your gut and do it when the time is right for you Smile

  4. jersey jen Says:

    being a homeowner is great, but it also takes a bit of housekeeping. keep us informed!

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